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30 November 2013

New Person

Hello! :3 i thought I'd introduce myself! My name is Bruin Winters (A.K.A. the only other author "Darby Campbell". Don't know how to fix that! DX -flails-) and my good friend of a nosebleed, Yaoi loving, friend Shiva Strife invited me to help with this blog. Love you Shivs. X3

Finally managed to figure this out and ill see to working on the more literate side of Yuri works. Once I've set up a few stories ill begin uploading them chapter by chapter each weekend and leave a news update for the others so you can have something to look forward too. :3

Now I'm off to find my pen which i think disappeared into the couch. Maybe I shouldn't have given it a red and white striped hat and glasses.... e3e

Wish me luck! :3

Thanks Again.
- Bruin Winters

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, Bruin is a new author to this blog since I won't be able to do much searching for a while. We hope you enjoy all he has to offer and his stories will also be found on Cosmic Stories when he posts them.