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10 January 2014

Purple Shrooms and Laziness

So Chapter 3 may be postponed tonight but i'll attempt to get it done. I'm kinda lazy and I've been exhausted all week.

~~ End Story Update ~~

Cave Story is notrious for funny plot twists, good story, choices that affect the end with you and other characters and most importantly making you feel terrible after taking on a boss. They are merciless. 

I have to battle purple shroom being for a side story thing and I can not tell you how annoying it is dying in five hits. I have the ultimate weapon in the game but holy hell.

Bravest Warriors. You. Must. Watch. Art and story is funny, quirky and strange. Many of the chracters that accompany that universe are hilarios and amazing. I'm sure you've heard of Catbug but the show itself is awesome.

Besides that, I've been becoming more snappy than a snapping turtle lately. I guess I'm just angry about stuff that I'm sick of people doing. Bloody.

Also i began reading the Game of Thrones series. Really good so far. :3

THATS IT! MY LINE WILL BE "Brace yourselves, Bruin Winters is coming."

Maybe not. >~>"

~ Bruin Winters

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