I'll be trying to post on one blog once a week on Mondays due to my job search. -face plants on bed- My whole body aches with pain from walking for hours. I've signed up for alerts at EA Games, Kroger, GameStop, Sony, and I think I signed up for an alert at Playstation Network. And Xbox. Can't remember. Bleh. I also gotta get my ass to college for jobs other than idea submissions. I wanna join in the designing but I'm scared of the math that's included. I can't do math for nothing. Bad. But I could help out with stuff. I am a person who tends to be a jack of all trades. <:) Ha. Ha.........yeah, but I can't seem to do it here in Georgia. Yeah, there are plenty out there here that would happily take me but my step dad says I need to do something that isn't jumping all over the place helping others in different job areas.
Oh, well. I say fuck him. He knows no matter what he tries to do, he can't stop me. I'm nineteen damn it. I'm tired of being forced down. I'll finally be able to actually go to the DMV to get either a permit or an ID. It's been impossible due to schedules clashing with the open times of the DMV over the years. My sis got lucky when Mom had a doc's appointment.
Yeah, go ahead and think: she sucks. She's nineteen and with her parents. Ha!
Guess what: it's tough to get out into the real world and onto your feet. I have to get an apartment first as soon as I'm able and then I have to do online core classes. Plus I'll have a job. Busy busy. Hell, I can't leave till next year unless my GF decides to help me with the required adult supervision of a one year period thing. Blah. I can't help but feel as if we're falling apart right now. -sigh- Our families are really screwing us all over and we're busy job hunting while she's also busy with classes. I feel as if we're going to break up if this keeps up. Well, maybe I can change that this Valentine's Day. Wish me luck!
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