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06 December 2013


Wow! 11 views today so far! The most in a day since starting this blog! :D I'm so freaking happy! Thanks to you, Bruin! :)
I'd like to say thank you to all who view this blog and the others! We really appreciate it! I hope to spoil you guys with more upcoming great things whatever they may be!
Also, as a spoiler alert for new additions to the Cosmic Series, we've been debating Cosmic Music. We may just have it to where you can listen to any song from different genres and artists. You may also make requests. I'm thinking about starting it out on Tumblr. It may even start out on Spotify or another custom radio site. Not entirely sure how we'll start it if at all.
Well, other than this little post, I won't be updating the blogs today. I've got to rest up since I'm not feeling to well and I have a busy day tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be updating on Sunday or Monday.
Here's a little GIF set present for you all:

(lol this reminds me of when me and my girl started going out. She was so ready for that first kiss. ^///^ I was shy. Still am but not as much.) 
(I know these little comments may be annoying but.....I have to say that these two Gangnam Style gifs were found on Tumblr. Some weird stuff can be found on Tumblr....)

 (Also, these two chibis were found on Tumblr. There's more of them but that's for a later day. :3) 

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