So story wise I've been lazy but chapter 1 shall be done by Friday and hopefully you will all enjoy it. :3 If you dislike it or have constructive criticism then please comment in a decent fashion within the comments for me so I may fix anything in future updates. Please be fluent in grammar. I won't read anything that reads as "u suk fggt haha".
~~ End Story Update ~~
Holy Magikarp. I have been having a hard time with Pokemon X. Like jesus the customization is amazing and I can run diagonally and climb vertical walls! WOAH. Yeah anyway, I just can't deal with some of the pokemon. Before I used to own everything in a destructive whirlwind of mastery but now I'm struggling and barely making that last hit count when my enemy and I have so little HP left. It's awesome!
Been staring at the thought of pairing characters and this constantly bugs me. Shauna is dark. Serena is white and yet they're sisters. I sense adoption story that hasn't been told.
i don't like Chespin. >~>
Also added an adorable marshmallow form you guys. Why? Because I can. :3
- Bruin Winters
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