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04 December 2013

I do believe in Fairies! I do! I do!

Alright so again I'm working on the story and i think it'll be a web novel. Part one will be a story then a grace period (the epilogue for part one) before the main characters return for a part two section which is not planned out. It'll get done as it gets moving. 

I'm excited though! :D I hope you'll all love it. :3

~~ End Story Update ~~

SO MANY FAIRY TYPES! :O I just beat the Gym with Fairy types in it (Slurpuff reminds me of my friend. XD). I was terrified. Having a Goomy and a Charizard whose megaevolution is worthless reallly scared me out of my wits in there. After kicking her butt with my strong defensive types (i was nearly ten levels lower than her) i won in a narrow landslide with Lucario. 

I forget why i tell this but i need to vent also. XD

Geek moment of the week: I pose as Team Flare whenever I battle one of their grunts. XD

It's the one on the left.

- Bruin Winters :3

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