~~ End Story Update ~~
I messed up earlier today and needless to say I got overly upset at my own mistakes as I usually do.
Came home and talked to my Doctor. Once I had showered and calmed down enough from my fit of anger and personal misery, I brushed him away with a sense of slightly better spirits. See, my Doctor (or Doc as I call him) doesn't exist in our physical plane. He's in my imaginitive one. It's liking talking to your consciousness. Hey, at least someone listens right?
Finally beat the whole set of gym leaders in Pokémon X and now I'm trying my hand at Super Training. Although, I'm not entirely sure how this benefits me greatly. Still fun. Wish I had tried it earlier in the game. I'm working my pokemon to at least levels 60-70 so I can combat the Elite Four. I'm greatly impressed with battling Sycamore in the game. In the original games it was supposed to allow you to battle Professor Oak once the pokedex was fully complete. It was like a final reward like the final battle in Pokemon Gold, Crystal, Silver, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver, when you got to battle Red on top of Mt. Silver. They scrapped the idea but it's in the data in the old games just like the Buried Alive boss in Pokémon Tower. I'm also greatly impressed with the change of scenery for Victory Road.
I found a few easter eggs within the game. Such as, a psychic trainer between Geostone and Cordelia (where the second gym is. I forgot the real name.) he mentions that your power level "must be over 9000". Dragon Ball Z anyone? A Hex Maniac mentions something of "what is this sorcery?" Somewhere down the line. A little girl on Route 19 talks of fairies always telling her to win. She even says "Fall before my Fairies! Fall!" which told me her parents had either failed or were dead and strung up in her house somewhere. Blech. Within a Lumiose Pokémon Center a girl mentions that Oak's grandson (Gary or Blue whichever you prefer) has arrived to learn more of the Kalos pokémon. She says "He learned to say "Bonjour" correctly as a greeting but still says "Smell ya later!" whenever he leaves."
I have to return to my tea, nuked food (stuff i cooked in a microwave), and maybe anime or classical music.
Smell ya later!
So like, put some nice smelling perfume or cologne on or roll in some flowers.
Can you imagine someone actually saying that?
- Bruin Winters
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