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16 December 2013

Jabberjays Haunt Me

So story wise im on break for chapter three until tomorrow. Hopefully i can figure out the next chapter.

~ End Story Update ~

Now I've read the Hunger Games. I cried when BLEEP and BLEEP died but holy hell the movie made it so much worse.

I cried when i saw friendly people die left and right.

The Jabberjays scared me to pieces with their impressions.

I kept imagining how funny it would have been if Krisitin Stewart was Katniss.

I annoyed myself but noticing movie flaws and things left out of the book.

Johanna is my new favorite character. She was well portrayed. (Except for the elevator scene. Omfg. Really girl? REALLY!?)

Finnick has lost his demi god status in my mind. (I imagined him with more flowing hair. Like a mane.)

Peta has gone up some respect points for what he did for that poor girl from was it 8? 11? No idea. Was really sweet.

The worst part was the ending. Can you force emotions that badly? Jesus. Its worse than Kristin Stewart trying to smile on camera or Shane Dawson when he's with other people on Youtubers React.

Appy, (God sake i dont know her name. Annoying and always changing her dumb style every other scene.) She went up a few points for me in the end.

All in all it was nice. Especially the scene where she made the Seanna doll. That was well done.

Everyone had an amazing hand in their roles as actors so i say 4.5 out of 5. A must see.

Game wise i finished Rain. Really really good. Tomb Raider is grogeous and amazing as always. I got GTA V and i am thoroughly disappointed. You give GTA V game of the year but for Rain you say it has too many problems? Well @$#% you man. Your blind. Jeegus.

Anywho, I may battle some friends before bed. Pokémon and all that.

~ Bruin Winters

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